Good time to expand?

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Coin Op Group Veteren
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Good time to expand?

Post by Mark@YorVend »

Planning on doing some advertising in the next couple of months, and was wondering if the post christmas lull was as good a time as any to look for new sites? This is only my second full year in vending so im not really sure if there is ever a good or bad time to look for sites.
I was thinking of getting some sector specific flyers done, and do a bit of on foot flyering. I was also considering putting an advert in a trade magazine/newsletter, if the price is right.

I know from a friend of mine that works for a double glazing firm that trying to sell windows in January is like flogging a dead horse, and wondered if vending is the same???
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Re: Good time to expand?

Post by Style »

Mark, I dont think there is a good or bad time. But I wouldnt bother with flyers or adverts. Waste of money. Knock on doors or get on the phone.
Coin Op Group Veteren
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Re: Good time to expand?

Post by part-time-operator »

I have sold double glazing in January. it's bloody hard because everyone has spent all their money, and the husband has no need to please as he's just forked out on Xmas. on top of that its seasonal and people don't want the work done then. but nothing is impossible and there are ways to overcome this.

same with sites, it can be done at any time but i don't think now is the best. i did a bunch of sitefinding this time last year and then lost machines to landlords who ****** off when their rent was due.

let us know how u get on
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