fenners wrote:just spoken to my local bookers the promotion has been cancelled as they have no pringles in stock and do not expect any untill late auguest at the earlest.
Hi. We're your neighbours in Essex. Where are you in East London
Regards Al.
Hi, Im based in E11 and have sites in the surrounding area's + some in Essex.
nice to hear from someone local where in Essex are you?
Hi. We're based in Harold Wood.Are your towers tubz vending machines Whats your company called
E11, is that Leytonstone Regards Al. 07958 348020.
Just been doing my sums. using the hurleys megapot we i have been self packing a few items. Chocolate chip cookies and chocolate fingers. Intinally i internded to put 2 bags of each product in a megapot this seemed a bit expensive @45pence inc vat and pot. now i have started to put one bag of each product in a the megapot with a chupa chups lollypop witch works out @36 pence per megapot.
choice vending wrote:Just been doing my sums. using the hurleys megapot we i have been self packing a few items. Chocolate chip cookies and chocolate fingers. Intinally i internded to put 2 bags of each product in a megapot this seemed a bit expensive @45pence inc vat and pot. now i have started to put one bag of each product in a the megapot with a chupa chups lollypop witch works out @36 pence per megapot.
i will let you know how it goes
Hi Mate. What size bag do you use & where's the best place too buy them
Regards Al.
Honcocks cash and carry specialising in confectionary. Luckly there is one in bham not sure how many others are around the country. i use the mini bags
choice vending wrote:Honcocks cash and carry specialising in confectionary. Luckly there is one in bham not sure how many others are around the country. i use the mini bags