Hello from the Southwest

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Hello from the Southwest

Post by Chris_WCG »

Hi folks.

Been browsing for a few hours now and I'm glad I found the site to be honest. Very helpful and insightful.

Basically I'm pre start-up but other than some stock (have a few bits) and sites have all the necessities in place to hopefully get going in the very near future.

I see this site is more geared towards vending more specifically snack vending. Hope that's a fair assumption? I'm defiantly looking more towards the coin operated side of things, pool tables, jukeboxes, kiddie rides etc, so if any do's and do not's I need to be looking out for then I'm greatfull for any help. Have a history in the industry worked for a couple of the larger operators and feel maybe I could offer something those guys don't.


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Re: Hello from the Southwest

Post by Coin Operated Group »

HI Chris,

I operate a few kiddy rides and arcade machine, there are a few others on here that do too. A lot are frightened off due to breakdowns etc, but if your ok with that then you'll be fine.

Any help I can offer let me know.

Regards Matt

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