Tomy Vending Stock to clear

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Tomy Vending Stock to clear

Post by SimonKatz@KiddieCool »

Good morning

We have in excess of 1,5 Million Capsules to clear - all licensed - Tomy Gacaha

Kiddie Cool Ltd is based in the UK and mainly deals in the Amusement & Leisure Industry working with some of the largest suppliers for Amusuement Equipment - In addition - we also Trade in Very large volumes of Licensed Toy Capsules to many of the worlds largest operators, distributors & suppliers and have stock now available to clear in the UK & in Europe due to Tomy Gacah closing down its operation in Europe

We are now looking for new customers in the Uk who are interested in buying our stock and welcome all enquiries

We have a full list of stock available and images for review - the offer is on a 1st come 1st served basis

All order are Pro-forma - and subject to carraige.
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