Starting with tubz vending in The Netherlands (advice?)

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Starting with tubz vending in The Netherlands (advice?)

Post by arminshow »

Hey all,

so i just took the leap and bought 10 vending machines including location, yesterday they delivered all the goods.

are there any people from the netherlands here? they are pretty new here with only 8 franchise holders in the netherlands. even tough the account manager told me they have 400 locations on their own.

a big difference i noticed is that the price in the netherlands is 2 euros and in the UK 1 pound. profit here on average is about 0.90cents. i am a bit worried with the price though, will the consumer pay this much ??? whats your opinion ?

What do you guys think ? im in this for the long haul and hope i can expend to 100 towers within 2 years. can you make a full time living from this ?

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Re: Starting with tubz vending vending vending in The Netherlands (a

Post by PGBrew »

10 machines are sufficient for trial purposes. You will get answers to your questions from them. Better than any 2nd hand opinion!
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Re: Starting with tubz vending vending vending in The Netherlands (a

Post by Style »

2 euros! It will be interesting to see how you get on. I imagined when we move to £2 it will include an increase in weight of sweets.
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