Discounted Websites/Web Hosting

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Discounted Websites/Web Hosting

Post by callmoo »

Hi there!

Hopefully this is okay with Matt.

Whilst more of a reader rather than a poster, this group has been an amazing resource over the years for my small round. Whilst I do still have a few Beavers in long-term sites, my main income is now through web hosting and web design.

I wish to offer a discount to forum members on any of our web hosting and web design services. We offer a great service with great support to deliver a hassle-free website experience for you.In addition to standard web hosting and web design, we also offer managed websites, a modern solution for a hassle-free website. For a small monthly/annual fee, we provide a custom-designed website, hosting, updates and maintenance.

If anybody is looking for web hosting or website design, please feel free to get in touch! If you have an existing hosting provider for your website, please still get in touch as I can still see if we have a better solution for you ;)

My email address is below if you wish to discuss or if you would prefer to arrange a call, please feel free to send an email with your phone number and best times to call.


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