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Re: Hello everyone

Post by Vendingwarehouse »

I will add my advice later , but make no mistake, doing the site finding yourself is NO harder than getting the suppliers to do it for you. Especially when they get you crap sites and you have to replace them. The waiting , the arguments, the travelling to sites who don't take it, the unreturned phone calls from your franchisee. it all drives you mad and is much more stressful than doing it yourself. I am useless at site finding and yet have over a 1000 sites. But I wouldn't let a supplier do it for me. I have a sales rep instead on a comission only basis. Best move I EVER made in vending.
Big Chris
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Re: Hello everyone

Post by Big Chris »

Hi Quinche,

I run a round in Sunderland, just started recently. Sales ok, but may be due to the 'honeymoon' period i am in.

I find it hard to self site, as unfortunatley i am not good with the sales patter, but i think if you are half decent it is deff the way to go. I think you will find not that many operators in the North East, well at least when considering the market we have up here, still in the top 10 in Europe for volume of bars to space.

Cheers and good luck.
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