Is it just me?

General vending talk
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Re: Is it just me?

Post by cliffxtc »

Regarding machines in restaurants: you can site them in the passageway leading to the toilets if there's an image problem. I've got them in 2 Italian restaurants and they do well (3 Beavers and a double Tomy in one, tower and tomy in the other).
Vendition Ltd
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Re: Is it just me?

Post by Vendition Ltd »

part-time-operator wrote:i went to a site yesterday which had a few commission machines in for several years only to find that they'd started building a sainsburys right where the site used to be... only 6 weeks ago the ******* landlord was asking me to provide different types of machines!

at another site yesterday i spent an hour sitting with sub-contractors on the phone to the various morons at the brewery whose words were "because it's not brewery property we can't let you take the machine away". This was my third visit to the pub since it shut down!

anyway Ross it's not just you...i've got about 60 sites less than i did at my peak but the more experienced operators are right, we just got to find ways round it. I really think commission sites are under-rated, i got half a dozen of them last week. you can get different sites this way that charity telesales don't get. you are much more in control, you can target profitable areas and its easier to get multiple machines in. slow + steady wins the race right? having said that i know of a site near you which has 8 starlight machines in it lol

another good line to help make more money is explain to a landlord that over last few years stock prices and fuel costs have gone up, but the sale price and his commission has stayed the same. if u've got figures for how much commission you've paid them that helps. then you can justify to them that you need to reduce their commission by 5% but if they want you can put an extra machine in so that you both make more...

what matters is not how many sites, its how much do u take home and keep at the end of a day/week/month.

Sorry for the late reply, I'm off on holiday for 2 weeks today so have had a mental couple weeks trying to service all my sites!! It's been horrible lol

At least it's not just me then, I think I am having a really unlucky spell but just have to ride it out. The problem is in too busy to do any site finding myself so I am limited to how fast I want to expand which frustrates me.

The teddy bear idea is a good shout, maybe tubz vending could do a deal with starlight and get a bulk load produced and sell to us at cost price so we can give them out to the sites, maybe when we hit 50k or 100k raised? The site could get a new gift each time a new milestone has been reached

Anyway this week I only managed to lose 1 site so things are finding stability :-) I guess the bigger your round the more problems you are faced with and it's a case of accepting this. If you want an easy life stick to 100 machines and don't look to grow further as it will pay the bills and stress will be relatively zero

Only problem is iv got about 60 towers crammed up in storage lol will go on a mad one when i return and get them out. Until then you will find me travelling the west coast of USA :-) everybody's going surfin, surfin USA
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Re: Is it just me?

Post by Style »

Look at different site types. We have saturated the pubs and clubs locally so its travel further or look at different sites. Personally Im now aiming for businesses and school staff rooms. All on 10% to my local hospice. If I get £25 a month out of these but only visit every two months they become good earners. Vandal safe, shouldn't get nicked and you are providing more of a service so shouldn't get kicked out. Just drive round your local industrial estates and business parks, get the names of the companies and get on the phone. Did this last week, got 5 on one estate. So close together I could probably do all 5 in 1 1/2 hours. So two months time I go back and collect £250 in an hour and a half. Easy money just a bit more upfront investment. Its worked for Vending Revolution for years but we can do it better because we know our areas.
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Re: Is it just me?

Post by Mark@YorVend »

Mark@YorVend wrote:Luckily being quite new to vending I've only had one site ask me to remove a machine, and it was only the Pringle machine I got him to take after I had put the sweet tower in. He was quite annoyed that the Pringle tower was empty and even though I gave him 20% he said he hadn't sold a bag of crisps in three weeks!! :lol:

Just had a phone call to ask me to remove another one, although the only reason I hadn't moved it already (does 10-15 a month!) is because its in a hotel 50 yards away. Suppose I will have to stick it in the living room for a fortnight until its re-sited.
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