face masks

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Re: face masks

Post by Quinch »

You keep saying I do nothing but argue but I've never had an argument or bad word to say about anyone on this forum apart from you and that is purely because you're attitude stinks so as usual you're talking absolute boll*cks. All you do is spout bullsh*t without backing any of it up with facts. If you've got evidence that it's against the law to sell hand sanitiser in a vending machine then put the links on here or are you incapable of doing that? You can barely write English so I suppose the fact that you're computer illiterate is not really a surprise.

This is your typical post with anyone who disagrees with you, see the Anonymous forum for many like this:

JavaGreen wrote: blah, blah, blah, 300 machines, blah, blah, waffle, waffle, big time operator, blah, blah, Hurleys are finished, blah, blah, massive chip on my shoulder, blah, blah, I'm tubz vending biggest customer, blah, blah, my posts got 100000000 million views so no-one can disagree with me, blah, blah, bullsh*t, waffle, waffle, did I mention I'm tubz vending biggest customer, blah, blah, waffle, bullsh*t
You're like a broken record you moron
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Re: face masks

Post by JavaGreen »

This is the complete character/persona of yourself, foul-mouthed and blatantly foaming at the mouth at the first or any opportunity. You do not do the forum any favours/nor yourself.... an absolute waste of space and time....

Try and be nice on the forum for a change.... you have a good grasp of the English language judging by your choice of foul language... probably a NED or is that perhaps doing a Ned an injustice!

Queenie..... go suck.... a jelly bean and calm down LOL!
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Re: face masks

Post by Quinch »

The only person I've ever used foul language about or argued with on this forum Pablo is you because of your patronising attitude and repeated claims without backing any of it up with facts. The fact that you can't find one single example of me having any issues with anyone else proves yet again that you're just making stuff up. You're playground style insults mean nothing to me because they're just generic name calling. Everything I've said about you is personal because it's based on things you have actually said on this forum.

You constantly crow about how you've helped people and blow your own trumpet but your bonkers ranting and raving comments about tubz vending and Hurleys on the Anonymous forum have shown your true colours and the real Pablo.

If you want to have a right laugh at Pablo's crazy paranoid rantings check out these threads, all the posts slagging off Hurleys and bleating about what a massive tubz vending customer he is are by him:



You think you're the big cheese but you've been shot down in flames so many times by different people in the Anonymous section you're now the laughing stock of this forum
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Re: face masks

Post by JavaGreen »

Queenie..... you really do need to calm down and suck those jelly beans, take a deep breath and stop providing everyone with verbal diarrhoea. All of the experts agreed that children should be supervised when using sanitiser...... and to put such items/or suggest/to put such items in a sweet tower with sweets beggars belief. I am sure that all operators can see that except you. Your ability to absorb/accept that is beyond your Mental capabilities. Your IQ must be running on empty to even agree/suggest such a thing... like I said a sillY and stupid idea. Regards the anonymous forum we can certainly see your posts and rantings.

Whatever problem you have with tubz vending... it is about time you got over it. I have never come across such a venomous attitude or see anyone rise to the bait so easily. You are so anti tubz vending hence the reason why some have given up on the forum. Yes, tubz vending have a large number of ex-Hurley’s customers who just got fed up with the bile that was being provided by you.... it is beyond your comprehension to understand that the more tubz vending is mentioned the more chance that someone will give them a try. Liam will by no means be thanking you for your idiotic rants.... he would be better placed to ditch you as a customer.... not that you purchase much anyway.

For me.... I have a very good position that pays well therefore, this business I have is done for fun. Yes, for fun... and like I said previously... the help of others (Style, Pete and at times Matt) has ensured that I have done the right things at the right time. We are taking a breather and replacing our entire stock in all machines with items that run out in 2022. So expert in this field not at all, always willing to learn, always. We have lost sites... but not as many as we thought we would.... and they have been replaced. So there is another chunk for you to get your deprived and sick mind around. We will still be around in 2022 and beyond (not so sure you will be) so you have plenty more to look forward to.

Happy Munching Queenie...

We stopped using the emojis as it seemed to cause you more anger alas, your anger is still showing through those gritted teeth.
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Re: face masks

Post by Quinch »

As far as I understand it there is nothing stopping anyone selling hand sanitiser in a vending machine, when you disputed this I looked into it myself and could find nothing online about restrictions and vending machines definitely exist that sell it. You repeatedly state that there are restrictions and 'experts' agree it's not allowed but you are unable to show any evidence of this so we just have to assume that this is yet another one of your posts that you present as facts but is actually entirely speculation.

What you fail to realise is that this debate has gone way past hand sanitiser and is more about your overall attitude on this forum. You claim to help people but time and time again you react to other people's opinions with patronising language and derision rather than just being civil and putting forward your own argument. You've even done it within this thread, this is from page 1:
Re: face masks
Postby Bert » Tue Jul 07, 2020 8:34 pm

If it makes you feel better to wear a mask then that’s a good thing, but if you think it offers you 95% protection from catching the virus outside of laboratory level hygiene conditions then I would suggest that you question wherever you're getting such stats from. I very much doubt that the majority of people are walking around wearing N95 masks & even if they were, I doubt it would afford them 95% protection, in fact the advice given is a scarf or cut up sock will do with the idea behind it in helping stop those already infected from spreading the virus, thus lulling people into a false sense of security.

Once you factor in cross contamination of the masks I would suspect this would render most being worn simply nothing more than warm, wet fertile breeding grounds for lots of viruses. Underlying health problems seem to be amplified by the C-19 virus & I would not wish it on anyone but realistically the chances of contracting the virus & it leading to your untimely demise are relatively low with your odds being greater or lower once you factor in age, health etc.

As for sales I suspect a slight initial bounce in sales for any sites that are kept due to people wanting to get out & the desire for a treat but I suspect they will quickly view going out as to much of a hassle with all the restrictions in place. Leading to a quick tailing off of any sales boost.
long term we either find a vaccine or just decide to let nature take its course. One thing I’m certain of is that most retail, restaurant or pub businesses will not find it viable to keep trading with all the restrictions put upon them.

As with all things time will tell & I hope that you stay safe & well.
....a very reasonable post and based on lots of facts that were mentioned in the media. And this is the first few lines of your response....
JavaGreen wrote:Well Dr Bert, I got my information regards N95 from the experts from China and the U.K., its on the web. If you are happy with your Ronnie Biggs impression, by all means wear your sock... but makes sure they are clean else it would not be covid19 you have to worry about :50:

Regards sales, you look like you have been doing this for five minutes, so will stick with what I know to guide me through the crises.
This is exactly what I'm talking about. You talk about helping people, Bert was pretty new to the forum then but as soon as he put forward his point of view you immediately pour scorn on it and use patronising language, does that seem like a good attitude to you? I take my hat off to him for replying in such a diplomatic manner.

Rant and rave as much as you like about tubz vending and Hurleys, how much you earn, how many machines you have, what a big business you have etc etc etc but none of these claims are really relevant on an online forum. You're judged here by what you say here and you increasingly sound like a bizarre, egotistic Walter Mitty type character that can't accept anyone else's point of view
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Re: face masks

Post by JavaGreen »

Absolutely love it! I never said you could not sell sanitiser in a tower, no, not at all. I just said that it was a silly and stupid idea. I have come to the conclusion that you are suffering from short term memory loss and that everything is lost in translation. And now you cannot use your own thoughts or even remember what you have read and need to use other posts from other people to try and support your own idealistic argument.

It seems to me that it would be easier to explain to a six year old why we do not put/sell sanitiser with sweets due to the obvious dangers rather than explain to an idiotic grown up Peter Pan who thinks it normal to provide/or even think it okay to sell sanitiser amongst sweets in a vending tower.

It is very obvious that perhaps this line of business is not suitable for you as you are a danger to the younger element. Just stick to anywhere that is not frequented by children.

I do have the answers to support my reasoning behind not following your advice and have had for sometime however, it has been such fun looking at what you have produced. And do intend on posting it on here, just a simple task of pasting it from one document to this forum. You are going to look so silly/stupid and all who read will see just exactly what your are..... an uneducated, angry person who needs to look up the nearest chicken farm to get the largest amount of eggs you possibly can... as you will have a serious amount of egg on your face!

What an absolute poor excuse of a person.... and you run a business that is accessible by the public..... wonders will never cease to amaze me.

Happy, happy, happy munching Queenie..... you have almost earned it LOL!

Ps: we will look forward to another pathetic response when you have digested and think/or have thought what can I post as a response...... try watching Laurel and Hardy for a few hours...... you will see a couple of characters that resemble yourself.
DT Vending
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Re: face masks

Post by DT Vending »

Cant believe how escalated this has become ! I am pretty sure i have said that i agree this was a bad idea and also that the 50mm bottles of sanitiser are too big for our pots !!! Lets just leave this thread here.
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Re: face masks

Post by JavaGreen »

DT Vending, I sincerely apologise that your thread has become so toxic. Not really my fault as all I have done is to defend myself from a very angry man who could not recognise that is was a silly idea. He does have an attitude problem and sees red mist whenever tubz vending is mentioned. Nothing I can do about that. However, perhaps now is the time to close this post however not before the evidence that backs up the respective experts who do not want children to use sanitiser unsupervised:

Hand sanitiser should be stored well out of reach of children and toddlers and used under supervision of adults. Early Childhood Council (ECC) chief executive Peter Reynolds said centres supervise alcohol-based sanitiser "very closely". "Keeping children in their care safe is always top of mind."

OSHA recommends that children should not be allowed to use or access alcohol-based sanitizer unless properly supervised by an adult. OSHA also recommends alcohol-based sanitizers should not be located in corridors, exits or open areas that lead to them. DAB Hand Sanitizer’s active ingredient BZK nor the DAB formula is flammable.

The WHO recommends people store alcohol-based hand sanitisers out of reach of kids. This is because they can be poisonous if ingested.

However, young children should be supervised when using hand sanitiser to ensure they are using it safely and not putting it in their mouths or rubbing their eyes when their hands are wet with hand sanitiser.

NPIC have instructed parents to strictly avoid giving alcohol hand sanitisers to primary school children to bring to school.

Hand sanitisers contain between 60-70 per cent ethyl alcohol - making it toxic to children, who may suffer from dizziness, or suddenly become drowsy if they consume the cleanser, advisers added.

Just licking the hand after application of an alcohol hand sanitizer is unlikely to cause any harm but ingestion of 30 ml in a 25 lb. child could cause serious illness. And last but not least, there has been a 400% increase in cases of children under 12 using hand sanitizer to get drunk.

UK Politics. Brexit; ... “The agency is aware of adults and children ingesting hand sanitiser products contaminated with methanol that has led to ... FDA says these 75 hand sanitisers should be ...

Alcohol poisoning occurs if hand sanitiser is consumed - keep the bottle away from pets and small children. Should a pet bite into the hand sanitiser bottle, call the vet immediately.

To be effective, alcohol-based hand sanitizers should contain 60 to 90 per cent alcohol. Ingesting as little as two to three teaspoons (10–15 mL) can cause a small child (20–30 lbs, or 10–15 kg) to to become inebriated. It is important to supervise children closely …

Trouble is the angry man still will not accept the above.... why.... no online web addresses however, be rest assured they are there.

So sorry DT Vending.... the above had to be posted to just show that what I said was not nonsense or verbal diarrhoea.

Have a nice weekend!
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Re: face masks

Post by JavaGreen »

As Style suggested, masks will/are selling.
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Re: face masks

Post by Quinch »

I've already quoted this but I suppose I'll have to quote it again because you maybe have dementia or something. You DID say you cannot sell hand sanitiser because it's age restricted otherwise what does this mean?.....
JavaGreen wrote:So to conclude, you have to be a six year to purchase certain products and that includes stuff to clean hands. A six year old probably cannot read or understand the instructions on a bottle. That is the reason why not to mix certain items. Understandie Quenchie. :rofl: :rofl: :whistle: :whistle:
If you have evidence you can't sell it COPY AND PASTE THE LINKS you computer illiterate moron so I can read the article for myself, I'm not going to believe it just because you've written it. Have you been into pubs recently? There's hand sanitiser all over the place, on tables, on the bar, mounted on the wall, loads of places it's within reach of children. Let's think now...how can that be?...how come kids are not dying in droves across the country from what you're basically saying is lethal poison...it's because they're under the supervision of their parents you idiot.

As I say Pablo this has already gone way past hand sanitiser and was started by your patronising responses to my post.
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