dissappearing business

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Coin Op Group Veteren
Coin Op Group Veteren
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Re: dissappearing business

Post by part-time-operator »

lol i love your approach Mark... but your stock will go out of date and the customers will complain and you'll lose the site anyway! You'll lose more in gone off stock than you can make in sales from these sites. The only advantage is its almost free storage.
Coin Op Group Veteren
Coin Op Group Veteren
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Re: dissappearing business

Post by Mark@YorVend »

Tbh most of the stock I leave in them is the long dated stuff that hurleys do, like the cola bottles and eggs which have a years date, and I often empty a columb every few months and put it in the better machines. Ive only ever had one problem with OOD stock and that was the fruit pastiles hurleys sent me with 8 weeks date on them!
As ive mentioned, I usually leave a crap machine in there, the ones I wouldnt feel comfortable having in a good site.
Its really just a case of blocking the sites to new comers.... :thumbup:
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