Don't buy this!!

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Coin Op Group Veteren
Coin Op Group Veteren
Posts: 341
Joined: March 15th, 2013, 6:58 pm
Area Covered: york
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Don't buy this!!

Post by Mark@YorVend »

Item number: 141059030501

Bought this the other day as i'm in need of some quick cheap machines, and they were only £50. But got a phone call just now from a guy who said i've paid money into his paypal account for a item that isn't his.
Apparently this guy said he has no idea who the machines belong to, but his email address on his paypal account is the same as the username on the ebay account? I then looked at a transaction that he recieved negative feedback for in august, and low and behold it's the same machines, luckily I hadn't bought the train ticket for tomorrow to machester!!
There is obviously something funny going on with this guy so keep away... :nono:
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