Almost made my mind up

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Coin Op Group Valued Contributor
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Almost made my mind up

Post by nivending »

So Ive almost made my mind up if Im going to buy into this business, but just a few questions if I could

1) from my figures I reckon I need to sell 10 tubs per week per tower with a six week visit to make this business work. So is 10 tubs per week anywhere close to reality in an average site. I appreciate some sites will sell out in a week but as a min does 10 sales seem realistic.

2) getting good sites is the crucial element to sweet towers so which types of places make good sites? Setting kids play barns and pubs to the side what other locations should I focus on.

3) I was in a shopping centre today in the lower end of town. They had loads of rides, toy machines, 20p sweet tubs and sure enough one tubz vending tower and a pringle tower. We used the 20p machine for our daughter and was surprised to see a similar amount of sweets come out as are in the tubz vending tubs!!

One thing I did notice straight off is the pringle machine is well branded with the pringles logos and the red base. You can clearly determine what it is from 10 paces away. However the sweet tower just looked like a haze of colour on a chrome base. No branding. Too easy to dismiss and walk past.

So COULD the top 1/3 of the tower not have a sticker saying SWEETS with the brands on it? Has anyone considered some sort of cardboard sign on the stem of the base simply saying sweets with an arrow pointing up? If it even got an extra few sales per month it would be worth it.

Just some observations and questions from a newbie.

Thanks again
Coin Op Group Elite
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Machines Used: Sweet towers, toys, beavers, pringles
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Re: Almost made my mind up

Post by Style »

10pw ave is pushing it but should be achievable with good siting.

I would start with sports clubs, ie football clubs, rugby clubs, gymnastic clubs and swimming pools are my best sites. If you get into these they should go onto commission if possible or you will get kicked out.

I dont use any stickers or signage on any of my towers. I think they look a lot itdier like this and you can change products without having to try and get stickers off. I also think that most of our sales are repeat business anyway, the kids will sniff your towers out and keep coming back.

Sites doing 10 a week I would visit 4 weekly. They will have empty lines and you dont want that.
Good luck!
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