tubz vending site finding

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Re: tubz vending vending vending vending vending site finding

Post by Guest »

fair enough that they think that... over 250 franchisees... half of the big independents getting stock off them... possibly the biggest tower round in the uk...arch-rival gone out of business.... isn't it now "their" industry?
Sounds like tubz vending talk :roll:

Er...No not really, I'm sure Hurley's have just as many regular customers as tubz vending have franchisees, and I would suspect most of those franchisees have bought a 'business bundle' of about 20 machines and wished they never bothered! As for the big independents if your talking about Perform Marketing, I've never seen a machine of theirs that wasn't broken or empty! I give them 5 years tops before they give up most of their sites like Sinclair Collins have (who then chose Hurley's to sell off their sites).
As for the biggest tower round, I believe the couple who used to run Snack-A-Can still have several thousand towers, and they chose to buy from Hurley's when they closed their packing plant.
All tubz vending do is sell bundles to people who then realise they can get better machines and cheaper stock elsewhere and leave (like me), or realise they can't make money when tubz vending find them sites that already have towers in!
Just look at all the listings of tubz vending branded machinery and small vending rounds on E-bay, there selling for a reason, and why would tubz vending go to the effort of writing terms into their site finding contract so that franchisees can't sell sites on? Hurleys don't do that!

I'm not saying Hurley's are perfect (especially when they made a mistake on my first ever order!), but their a hell of a lot better than tubz vending. If a third operator started up im sure tubz vending would disappear with a couple of years!

Hope I don't sound like i'm ranting, i just can't stand people defending the indefensible!

Re: tubz vending vending vending site finding

Post by Guest »

by big independents i wasnt referring to funhouse/perform. i would describe them as HUGE. and i wouldnt count them out, they are making insane amounts of money! i meant more individual operators with 300+ towers.

tubz vending have apparently got 1500-1800 towers out there...hard to know if that's true but its not impossible given that there are other operators with c.1000

barbara and peter fellowes have apparently got 3000 "machines" the majority of which are reported to be bulk vendors with about 1200 towers. source: ex-Vending Revolution employee.

obviously it's all gossip and hearsay and we'll never know for sure, but seriously as much as we dont want to admit it tubz vending have got a big slice of what is a relatively small industry... you can't believe a word that hurleys or tubz vending tell you because their only goal is to sell you something.

ps. the site finding stuff is just scare tactics of course franchisees can sell sites on, it just depends who they sell to ;)
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