Vending Business for sale

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Re: Vending Business for sale

Post by Coin Operated Group »

If they are selling I would assume it is not something they would like to be common knowledge . They probably haven't told staff , which is the norm.

Can someone request the sale details , as my account is quite obvious (easy vend)
Regards Matt
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Re: Vending Business for sale

Post by PabloV8 »

I spoke to tubz vending today after putting in an order - they are not for sale, have never been for sale and if they where for sale it would have been for more than 500k, especially given the recent investment on equipment.

This post is no more and we should respect tubz vending as a going concern.

They have a large loyal following and quite rightly so, they are a good company to do business with and will grow in strength, long may it continue.
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Re: Vending Business for sale

Post by Style »

Bloody hell Pablo, How much are they paying you for that!

tubz vending and the prats who buy their franchises are a bunch of idiots.

Id love someone from tubz vending or one of their idiot franchisees to justify why they arent capable of getting their own sites and constantly place towers next to mine.
But they wont respond allthough they will read this, but they will still phone me in 2 months time and ask if I would consider buying stock from them.
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Re: Vending Business for sale

Post by Style »

Well done, about the sort of response I would expect from a tubz vending franchisee. But then anyone who pays 3k for 10 machines worth £1500 max cant be blessed with too much inteligence.


*This was fired at a newbie "nutter123" who had posted a response. I guess poster or Matt has deleted.
Last edited by Style on August 14th, 2015, 8:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vending Business for sale

Post by PabloV8 »

Style before you jump to conclusions or make assumptions and in doing so make a fool of yourself :Jig:

I am not a franchise but an independent operator who has a good business.

So stop being an idiot and keep your assumptions to yourself or try and pm me to get the facts!

What a moron!
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Re: Vending Business for sale

Post by Coin Operated Group »

Come on guys. Drop the mud slinging.

I'm still not convinced. Unless the advert is bogus?
Regards Matt
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Re: Vending Business for sale

Post by Style »

Pablo, that wasn't directed at you. It was directed at tubz vending and at the idiot who bought a franchise from tubz vending and sited another tower next to mine in the last week. He knows who he is, quite happy to ask me for advice but then tries to nick my business.

So Pablo, thanks for calling me a moron, but I think you are looking rather silly yourself. I haven't jumped to any conclusions. I know who I'm talking about and if you read the post it's not independent operators It's tubz vending and the idiots who buy their franchises.

And I'm with you Matt, if you google vending in Sittingbourne the is only really tubz vending
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Re: Vending Business for sale

Post by Style »

and Ive got nothing against tubz vending products.

But what is the point of siting a tower next to one that is already there? At best you get half the business, at worst you both get kicked out and you **** off another operator who is on your patch and then will start doing the same to you so you both end up losing out.
Thats why I dont buy from tubz vending, and I wonder how much more business they could have if they showed other people in the market place a little respect. I can understand another operator acting like that but a wholesaler who wants you to buy from them?????????

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Re: Vending Business for sale

Post by Snackmore »


I am with you, I heard last year that they had told an op local to me that I keep the charity money and no doubt say this when they canvass for sites.

Complete toasters!

Snackmore Vending

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Re: Vending Business for sale

Post by Siting Services »

My views on doubling up on the sites is that it's down to the operator who places it there. I get sites which already have a tower placed and I do ask my customers to walk away and I will replace it, no questions asked. When I check with the site to ask if they have one a few don't actually cotton onto what I am asking and if they say they don't have a tower then I have to accept that and leave it to the customer to let me know if there is one on site. Only today I had a B&Q site who said they did not have one and my customer turned up and low and behold they had one. Very frustrating for both of us but that is how it is.

Kind regards,

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