Advice needed regarding hot drinks machine.

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Advice needed regarding hot drinks machine.

Post by OscarHarris »

Hi guys,

I have a site asking for a hot drinks machine. I mainly keep my activities to vending towers and toy machines and don't have any experience with hot drinks machines!

My question is would it be worth having a single machine? I'm assuming not but would like the opinion of someone with experience before I tell the customer I can't help. Obviously it would need to be profitable as a single machine. I would also need it to be relatively low maintenance and be small enough to fit in the back of an estate...while we're at it it may as well turn water into wine too :thumbup:

Any suggestions would be welcome :D

Cheers, Jay.
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Re: Advice needed regarding hot drinks machine.

Post by Coin Operated Group »

Just go for an incup machine , very low maintenance . Darenth encore auto , fit in the boot of car easily . Cost approx 10p per drink .
Regards Matt
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