Site Finding2 - Warning! Warning! Warning!

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Re: Site Finding2 - Warning! Warning! Warning!

Post by JavaGreen »

Seems like this is the way forward. Sitefinders are Finding it difficult therefore, are systematically doubling up sites and do not care whatever the outcome.
We have a ruling not to site if a machine is already in situ. We shall obviously change that stance to those that are shafting us. If we shrug our shoulders they will just continue, my stance is hit back harder!
A £20 note or more will always get us the information we require so it becomes a Win Win as we start doubling up in their sites. One offending operator told me he has 130sites and in another breath, informed me that he gets 24 boxes every 2 months. So either he is lying or the sites he has are worse than dire. I know of at least 12 of his sites, so gloves are off buddy!
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Re: Site Finding2 - Warning! Warning! Warning!

Post by Central2vend »

You will probably end up buying these people out when their business fails.
I had a similar situation and managed to get the guy removed. Unfortunately he didnt pay the site any commision and I ended up having to pay it .
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Re: Site Finding2 - Warning! Warning! Warning!

Post by OscarHarris »

JavaGreen wrote:Hey Jaybird,

I value your posts, you have been a member for 7 years+ and posted 76 times, I guess you are as useful as your comments to all the readers that frequent the site. So unless you have something constructive to say go and shove some towers up your back passage. Many have read the posts and are in agreement that we can do without the sort that does what I have posted. Would not surprise me one iota if you are in the same class. Idiot!
Hi Pablo,

It seems as though you got the wrong idea from my last post. I guess it's difficult to infer the tone of what someone is saying via text alone. I wasn't however in anyway trying to belittle your situation.

I agree that, while I don't 100% have the same feelings toward the situation as you. I do see why this would annoy you so much. I also respect your right to deal with it however you see fit, and am genuinely interested in the progress of the situation. Not to judge you and poke fun, but interested from the point of a fellow operator.

My comments were purely an attempt at humour and nothing more. Truth be told I'm rubbish at puns and I thought "Eastvenders" was pretty funny. I assumed you would smile over it and think nothing more. I guess this was a miss judgement on my part.

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Re: Site Finding2 - Warning! Warning! Warning!

Post by JavaGreen »

Humble apologies Jay(bird), nothing wrong with your humour, I almost wet myself when I read your post. Did wonder if it was possible to present the Eastvenders theme tune to the post to add to each instalment.

On another front, yeah, if we just sat back and shrugged our shoulders these guys would think it was normal to just waltz in and double park, we need to be the traffic wardens and fight back otherwise our really, really good sites would end up as so, so sites. If only the site finders would/could see the whole canvas.

The newbies are only following instructions therefore, we need to educate them no matter how hard or painful it might be for them to comprehend. The last thing we want is Tower Wars!

Happy munching!
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Re: Site Finding2 - Warning! Warning! Warning!

Post by JavaGreen »

I bought 36 sites from a guy about 18 months ago. It was a good deal!

Unfortunately, I soon realised that everyone of his sites had not been paid commission for several months. Had to come to an arrangement with every site whereas I only paid so much, it was either that or lose the sites. Managed to keep all sites funnily enough.

We live and learn.
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Re: Site Finding2 - Warning! Warning! Warning!

Post by OscarHarris »

Hi Pablo,

Apology accepted :thumbup: , the good news is it's virtually impossible to offend me. The bad news is I took your advice regarding shoving towers up my backside. I have three words of warning 'coin mech handle' ouch! :wtf:

I'm all for the Eastvenders themeing. Just end each update with a cliff hanger and type...duff duff duff afterwards. We'll all automatically here the Eastenders drum beat in our head at that point.

Also, do me a favour, when you do speak to the operator responsible. Make sure you shout "get outta mar site" in a Peggy Mitchell style parody

Seriously you do make a fair point and I'm certainly not against the idea of approaching local operators responsible. If anything I was just offering my experience with the same situations, and things worked out just fine for me with no effort on my part. That's not to say that it will be the same for you of course. Also one of the great reasons for being your own boss is that you get to deal with business however you see fit.

Looking forward to episode 1.

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Re: Site Finding2 - Warning! Warning! Warning!

Post by JavaGreen »

Is that your finishing time 2:36?
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Re: Site Finding2 - Warning! Warning! Warning!

Post by OscarHarris »

Nah, today 2:36 was a lull between servicing one site and the next one opening. So I had a rare few moments to myself. Plus I don't feel I never really clock on and off in this game. Apart of the appeal of vending to me is that I can shape my working hours each week to suit...bliss.
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Re: Site Finding2 - Warning! Warning! Warning!

Post by Ade »

got similar situation where company using mcmillan charity sited a tower right next to mine in one of my busiest sites. then had cheek to start moving mine on visits and putting his in place where mine was. so i secured mine with a chain, they then chained theirs to mine!!!
i removed chain and gave it to management of site, they apologised and said they would have a word, i left a nice note on their machine explaining i did not appreciate my machines being messed with so please desist
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Re: Site Finding2 - Warning! Warning! Warning!

Post by PGBrew »

There is so much competition out there now, especially with other vendors putting similar machines into our sites, which is a right pain. If you can't get them removed then as Andy says buy them out a few months later or as in my case on several occasions they've abandoned their machines, so you may get them for free! I also agree when Andy says its a personel failing not to have put the extra machines myself. I also agree these are random acts and whilst there are people still guillable enough to think that they can start a business in this area it will continue. this is why I think get a few sweet towers in then DIVERSIFY. The pricier the machine the less competition theere is!
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