H4H ending

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Coin Op Group Veteren
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H4H ending

Post by Paul@HurleysFoods »

HI there. I have put this information in another thread, but am also putting it in its own thread and elsewhere on the forum so hopefully everyone gets to see it quickly. We have to act quickly to change machines over from H4H as H4H are demanding quick removal of all H4H stickers.

Cheers, Paul.

Hello there everyone.

Yes, it is true.
Help For Heroes have "pulled the plug" on their involvement in the vending industry.
No company will be allowed to put any Help For Heroes stickers on any vending tower with any vending prodcuts and raise money for what is a great cause IMO.....

But. Please fear not.
We have spent the last 48 hours since the announcement by H4H working on a solution. We had that solution as of 10am this morning but unfortunately the start of the previous thread stole our thunder somewhat......

We have now teamed up with the NSPCC and Childline in the towers. We have worked extremely closely with the NSPCC and Childline for over a year now with our honesty boxes raising over £50,000 in the process.
Our exclusive agreement with them is now extended to the Tower Vendors.

For all of those customers who have labelled their machines with H4H stickers bought from us, we will replace those stickers with NSPCC ones FREE OF CHARGE.

The NSPCC and Childline is a very worthwhile and exceptionally well known charity. It will open as many if not more doors for you than H4H did.
We have a rolling 5 year contract with the NSPCC so there will not be any shocks down the line for you as we have all just had with H4H.

Operationally, all payments to Childline will come via Hurleys and the separate account we had made up for H4H will now be used to process all payments to the NSPCC.

We will obviously closely monitor the donations made in relation to NSPCC sites provided, stickers provided and stock sold. The donation level is still 10p in the £1.

All participants in the NSPCC and Childline fundraising activity will have a letter direct from Esther Rantzen to support them when they go into sites.

ONLY HURLEYS STOCK can go into the machines with NSPCC fundraisinf stickers on them.
Under no circumstances can any other stock from any other company go in the machine. If this happens, the machines will have to be removed.

Obviously, we welcome with open arms any vendors operating a H4H tower with other than Hurleys stock in to come over from the dark side and switch to HUrleys and gain the benefit of the NSPCC backing we have secured.

Stickers are being produced as we speak and will be ready in plenty of time to satisfy the date given by H4H for removal of all their stickers.

As soon as we have a letter from H4H that they will allow us to publish, we will add it to this thread. They wont allow us to publish the email we had from them Monday informing us of the decision that they have made.

Please feel free to call myself or Rob on 02920 889979 or 02920 864688 with any questions you may have on this subject as we have spoken with H4H this morning and have up to date information.

Looking forward, with best regards,

Paul and Rob.
Coin Op Group Veteren
Coin Op Group Veteren
Posts: 239
Joined: March 3rd, 2011, 10:52 am
Area Covered: Uk
Machines Used: Clenport
Referred by?: Paul Collier and Many other Vendors

Re: H4H ending

Post by Paul@HurleysFoods »

Letter from Esther Rantzen to back up earlier posting

Best regards Paul.
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