hurleys have marstons contract

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Re: hurleys have marstons contract

Post by Guest »


Kettle Pot, pot kettle!

Is this operators feeling hard done to from Hurley's?

They have single handedly just rumbled a hornet's nest!

everyone will now start losing sites as everyone will expect 35% rather than 20%, was starting to expand - me thinks this will really kill the business!


is this a secret operation whereas Hurley's will self site/manage through contractors all sites in the land!

ONLY way to stop this is to stop ordering from Hurley's, like NOW!

Or you can just wait until they expand like that game 'RISK', but it is at your expense!

Re: hurleys have marstons contract

Post by Guest »

Stop ordering sounds like a good idea.
They seem to have no regard for operators in this business.
Shame on them

Re: hurleys have marstons contract

Post by Guest »

From what I have heard about this marstons contract.
Hurleys currently work with a company called funhouse leisure who have a national contract to put machines into all their pubs.
They started putting towers into pubs a few years ago and buy stock from Hurleys.

Funhouse only site in all the big family marstons pubs.
Hurleys are offering contracts on all the marston pubs that funhouse don't service.
I think that are all the little back street/estate pubs called ' marston locals'

I heard you pay funhouse leisure all the money and then they send you your money after 30 days.
tubz vending had the same sort of deal with Mitchell & butlers brewery 5 or 6 years ago and most got stung(including me)as they never payed out.
Also with this Hurleys contract it costs nearly £1000 for just 4 sited machines. With new branded machine new stand site agreement and the stock.people must be making a lot of money from vending if they can afford them kind of prices.

All sounds like one big con to me.
Hurleys and funhouse leisure seem to be the only winners.
A lot of the pubs look very poor and with the big commission on top not much money going to be made by operator.

Re: hurleys have marstons contract

Post by Guest »

I dont see that Hurleys have done anything wrong. They have signed a national deal. Given the opportunity any of us would have done the same.
If it doesnt stack up for us as operators we just dont sign up to it.

Re: hurleys have marstons contract

Post by Guest »

Marsdons are getting us operators to cough up with money to purchase new equipment and buy stock, give them all of the money and we have to wait 30 days for our money. We are financing their business!

Re: hurleys have marstons contract

Post by Guest »

Guest wrote:I dont see that Hurleys have done anything wrong. They have signed a national deal. Given the opportunity any of us would have done the same.
If it doesnt stack up for us as operators we just dont sign up to it.
Doing a national deal is fine
Doing it on the terms is a joke and damaging

Re: hurleys have marstons contract

Post by Guest »

Only time will tell but I have spoken to Hurleys.
They will be offering these sights out to their customer base. Its up to us as operators at that point to assess wether the deal works for us and if it doesnt dont take it. If its a really poor deal no one will take them up and the deal will either improve for the operator or disappear.
As far as waiting 30 days for your money, thats not bad. Probably better terms than 99% of other business types. My last business we often waited upto 90 days to get paid.
And it seems the long term deal will mean also getting toy machines into their 2 for 1 pubs. They could be worth £100+ pw. How much would you pay for that site on a 3 year deal?

Re: hurleys have marstons contract

Post by Guest »

Hi there.
It would seem we have to put some thing straight here.
I haven't read all of the posts but I do refute much of what we have read so far as utter scaremongering, undue slating and some of it is libellous and we WILL take action if the posts concerned are not withdrawn and/ or deleted.

Yes, Hurleys have been lucky enough to secure the contract to supply product and towers for the centralising of the Marstons contract. We are proud of this as it shows what we can do.
Our partner in this venture has a large area of the sites he is covering himself as he is set up to do this.
Hurleys have the great pleasure of being able to offer the rest of the sites - in areas all over the UK - to anyone in the tower vending business.
Any of you are welcome to call us and ask for the business although it would seem that many of you think anyone willing to pay 35% (gross) commission "needs to be locked in a padded room". It goes without saying that the only products in the machines are Hurleys and the branding of the machines is tightly controlled and produced by Hurleys.
Hurleys have absolutely no control over the amount of commission.
Hurleys take absolutely no part of the commission AT ALL.
The sites are still worth doing as is proved by the fact we have already distributed 200 sites to our loyal customers - and some to (previously) tubz vending customers.
The deal with regards to how vendors are paid is also portrayed inaccurately, as are most of the information in the posts.
If you want to know the truth and the deal, you can just call.

The garbage we have been reading in some of the posts is exactly why the anonymous forum was withdrawn. It seems many of you think you are able to throw around libellous statements that have "come from a good source" - utter poppycock - as you are hidden in an anonymous forum.

The commission from the machines paid to Marstons isn't for their profit. A minimum of £50,000 in the first year alone will go to Childline - hence the Childline branding on the machine. Again, we are nothing but proud as punch about this.
Another £100k plus will be going to Marstons Charitable Foundation.

That's all we have to say on the matter. Whether you believe it or not its up to you.

Anyone wishing to part of the waves of sites coming to us, just give us a call!

Of course its unfortunate that some sites are being lost as the centralising by Marstons. If people are upset by this, perhaps it is because they are really good sites????
The centralising of the machines by Marstons is partly due to dishonest managers putting commissions in their pocket, Marstons are rightly upset by this and wish to stop it. Hence their change of policy

Matt, please can you either remove the post about Hurleys taking pat of the commission or we will take action ourselves as it is untrue, has no foundation and no proof. The cowardly anonymous poster could call, email or re post on here with their "good source" and prove what they have said if they would like to.

Paul and Rob

Re: hurleys have marstons contract

Post by Guest »

Hi Rob & Paul,

Cant find the part where anyone says Hurley's are taking a part commission? can you let me know exactly which comment.

Also I must add I think its a crap deal 35%, I agree it's way too high very little if any profit for the operators. How about offering a 10% discount on stock for operators with the Marstons deal .

What are you doing with the operators who have bought sites from you and are now being booted out , are you replacing the sites with equal turnover sites, that would seem like a fairer option.

Can you confirm toy vendors are actually going into sites as well, and on what commission?

I do think you should of come on here and let people know (including some of your own customers) prior to asking for their machines to being removed , rather than just what seems to be a knee-jerk reaction statement.

Kind Regards


Re: hurleys have marstons contract

Post by Guest »

Well put Matt :thumbup:

An appropriate response to as you say, a knee jerk reaction!

Really bad form by that company :nono:

Better not name them as they might threaten me with 'out of date stock' :rofl:
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