Personally I think I only have one Marston's pub at the moment, and if I lost it I don't think I would be too distraught. But I can also see how some operators will probably have a lot more sites they will either now lose, or will have to pay nearly double commission on to be able to keep them.Guest wrote:Who am I supposed to stick together with and why? There are operators on here who quite happily stick towers next to mine with no concern over my business.
Im in no way happy to see people lose sites but honestly who on here wouldn't personally go and sign a national deal for 1000 pubs if they could?
There are probably a lot (well some) of tubz vending customers on here that will be losing sites, that wont have the opportunity of getting involved in this that Hurley's customers have. But all the bile seems to be directed at Hurley's for striking a deal for their customers for the unwanted area's?
If Funhouse had decided to do all area's itself, or make it's own arrangements for covering the unwanted area's, would it still be Hurley's fault? If Perform 360 had done the deal with Marstons and arranged for tubz vending to divvy up the remaining area's would that be Hurley's fault?
The people at fault here are the people running shabby machines, packed full of cheapo stock giving a pathetic level of service, or the crooked pub managers pocketing commission they are not entitled to! They have forced Marston's hand into finding one company to do all the pubs, or ban all machines completely.
I'm not naive enough to believe Paul and Rob are involved out of the goodness of their hearts, they are ensuring that the 1700 pubs in the Marston's estate will all sell Hurley's stock, but who can blame them really? It would be too big a fish to let go!