hurleys have marstons contract

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Re: hurleys have marstons contract

Post by Guest »

Guest wrote:Why don't Hurleys post on a separate thread the actual deal or is there seperate deals for different operators depending on their previous relationship / negotiation skills.

Hurleys have created the vacuum of information. Over to them to fill some of the voids in.

Rob/Paul would you be open to a Q and A thread where we all act as adults. Mud slinging only gets you so far.


*mudslinging only gets US so far.

Re: hurleys have marstons contract

Post by Guest »

Why would Hurleys post anything?

Its not their deal, its between Marstons and another company and no doubt commercially sensitive

As for replacement sites (and yes I will lose some I'm sure) why would they refund/give replacements? We lose sites all the time due to many factors, we do not go back to the site finder for them do we?????

Lets be a little bit realistic

Re: hurleys have marstons contract

Post by Guest »

Did you get a 'free' box of smarties for the above? :crazy:

Operators spend:

Thousands, upon thousands of pounds at Hurley's!

They do not expect to encounter problems along the way!

Some people just do not get it, guess they never will!

It is lost on them!

Re: hurleys have marstons contract

Post by Guest »

Guest wrote:

They do not expect to encounter problems along the way!
Really? Clearly not running a business then if you do not expect problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FFS

Re: hurleys have marstons contract

Post by Guest »

If it wasn't Hurleys who got the deal, it would have been someone else and the deal would have been no different surely?

Re: hurleys have marstons contract

Post by Guest »

Guest wrote:
Guest wrote:

They do not expect to encounter problems along the way!
Really? Clearly not running a business then if you do not expect problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FFS

This guy is obviously putting his fingers up to all you poor sods who are going to/or have lost money from this venture.

He is not for turning, his opinion is obviously king along with the over-emphasis on the exclamation marks!

He is a warrior of the Hurley's fraternity who does not support other operators but his own self-opinionated beliefs!

What goes around comes around is what I say, I feel for everyone who has been short changed in the above venture and go as far as to apologise for all who those who cannot see it because it is obviously above their heads.

To purchase a site, run the site and then have the people who you have bought the site from you - without even a sorry as compensation , remove the site for their own purposes is a real cause for concern in any currency.

Unbelievable and selfish attitude is what I say.

Re: hurleys have marstons contract

Post by Guest »

Yep, the whole thing stinks

Re: hurleys have marstons contract

Post by Guest »

You guys that say 'its just business' are seriously wet behind the ears. It is not at all, a company cannot sell you something, take it back and then give it you again if you pay nearly double commision and buy a brand new tower.


Paul/Rob why dont you come on here and answer some of the questions?

Re: hurleys have marstons contract

Post by Guest »

I'd love to have a business where I sell the same thing to my customers twice even though I know already have one.

Any operators that take this on to receive 17‰ net need to seriously have a word with themselves.

Do not capitalise Marston estate with your hard earned cash.

Use Barbara get a mix of sites, you have control, you have the return after year 1

Re: hurleys have marstons contract

Post by Guest »

The people that really should be coming on here is funhouse leisure as they have the contact with Marstons. They will determine what sites they want to keep and which ones they want to offload to the independant operators.

This business venture is purely based on communication with funhouse but people taking this on need to realise you will probably lose control of actually running your own business. You will be nothing but a sub contractor being told what sites to do and probably will be spied upon by the powers above on how many service visits you are doing for the company and then filling in paperwork to give to landlord to pass on to head office where you will not get paid for a month.

Err not for me... I run a business and long gone are the days of being told what to do. This whole venture is a bit like a mini franchise between operator and funhouse. You pay for all machines and stock and we will give you a whopping 17%!!!!
I wonder how many operators would have got into this industry if they knew they would get percentage.....
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