hurleys have marstons contract

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Re: hurleys have marstons contract

Post by Guest »

Guest wrote:Who am I supposed to stick together with and why? There are operators on here who quite happily stick towers next to mine with no concern over my business.

Im in no way happy to see people lose sites but honestly who on here wouldn't personally go and sign a national deal for 1000 pubs if they could?

Personally I think I only have one Marston's pub at the moment, and if I lost it I don't think I would be too distraught. But I can also see how some operators will probably have a lot more sites they will either now lose, or will have to pay nearly double commission on to be able to keep them.
There are probably a lot (well some) of tubz vending customers on here that will be losing sites, that wont have the opportunity of getting involved in this that Hurley's customers have. But all the bile seems to be directed at Hurley's for striking a deal for their customers for the unwanted area's?
If Funhouse had decided to do all area's itself, or make it's own arrangements for covering the unwanted area's, would it still be Hurley's fault? If Perform 360 had done the deal with Marstons and arranged for tubz vending to divvy up the remaining area's would that be Hurley's fault?

The people at fault here are the people running shabby machines, packed full of cheapo stock giving a pathetic level of service, or the crooked pub managers pocketing commission they are not entitled to! They have forced Marston's hand into finding one company to do all the pubs, or ban all machines completely.

I'm not naive enough to believe Paul and Rob are involved out of the goodness of their hearts, they are ensuring that the 1700 pubs in the Marston's estate will all sell Hurley's stock, but who can blame them really? It would be too big a fish to let go!


Re: hurleys have marstons contract

Post by Guest »

Guest wrote:Mark , no disprespect but how can you say 20p per pot is ok? Sells 50 pots make £10 not taking off fuel and breakdowns, you can earn more on minimum wage .

And also you are up and leaving aft shelling out for a new machine!! Have a think mate . You are getting shafted

Why didnt national contracts work with tubz vending vending? No profit for operators that's why
Weren't we all having a conversation a few months ago about employing staff, and someone said they used to pay an old guy to drive round his sites for 20p per pot commission? The difference is???
Also I don't see how buying a new machine (which most of us do at some point) and selling large quantities of stock at 20p profit, is any different from buying a tubz vending franchise, and having a new machine placed in a trade counter selling 20 pots per month at 45p profit?
As we all know it's about grouping your sites together to ensure you have a reason for going into a certain area, and reduce travel costs as much as possible. As I was trying to point out this deal would not be good for everyone, but people in big cities with lots of Marston's pubs could clean up!

I think people considering taking it on should look at the offer on the table and see if they can make it work within their own round before pooh poohing it.


Re: hurleys have marstons contract

Post by Guest »

The difference is he (earning 20p per pot) has not spent thousands on building a business and invested countless hours looking for a return on investment.

He doesn't have to deal with breakdowns ,spares and machine purchases, out of date stock etc etc.

That's the difference

As said if your happy to work for less than minimum wage and trying to run a business , carry on. Expansion may take some time though !!

Re: hurleys have marstons contract

Post by Guest »

Maybe you should find out the facts first! Maybe stock costs are reduced for the deal to be worthwhile, maybe this is phase 1 of a very lucrative 3 year guaranteed deal, maybe someone else has won this contract not Hurleys or Funhouse/Playnation.

Maybe Hurleys have already approached those that they want to deal with, who are professional and reliable and will ensure the contract is a success?

Maybe you have missed the boat and have not been invited to the party.

Re: hurleys have marstons contract

Post by Guest »

Maybe pigs can fly and we will all go and live in never never land. Get real

Re: hurleys have marstons contract

Post by Guest »

Maybe I'll meet Elvis down the chip shop...

Re: hurleys have marstons contract

Post by Guest »

Guest wrote:Maybe I'll meet Elvis down the chip shop...
I know a song about that

Re: hurleys have marstons contract

Post by Guest »

Marston’s go to tender or invite bids because they are looking to have more control on what business goes on in their pubs, that's what many of the other pub chains also do. They like to know that their suppliers have the resources and skills to manage the business on offer. Before vending I was in sales. As a company we would bid for business and if we won all competitors would have to remove their machines from site. Big companies like to set up national contracts with one supplier so they have and one person to deal with and have better control of the business. If we lost a deal and had to pull our machines we would immediately be planning for when the contract comes up for renewal and re-bid to win then. I started in vending to deal with small independent businesses. I don't have the time or resources to chase these big contracts with shopping centres or pub chains. For this reason I have always worked collaboratively with my suppliers and let them know I’m available should any suitable business opportunities arise. In 2007 Salysol UK offered me 30 sites, I bought all their remaining sites when they were forced out of business by their competitors a year later. In 2009 Bristol Merchants offered me 200 sites. Funhouse, when they won the Spirit Group, offered me a few prime sites. Within Hurley's they have the skills and resources to bid for and win these deals....good luck to them. Don't expect Hurley's to come on here spelling out all the terms and conditions of their bid, useful information to their competitors and are business confidential. If you want to find out more, make the phone call, better still, go and see them. That’s how I found out about this deal 3 months ago. Good luck to them and anybody else who might also benefit.


Re: hurleys have marstons contract

Post by Guest »

Guest wrote:Maybe you should find out the facts first! Maybe stock costs are reduced for the deal to be worthwhile, maybe this is phase 1 of a very lucrative 3 year guaranteed deal, maybe someone else has won this contract not Hurleys or Funhouse/Playnation.

Maybe Hurleys have already approached those that they want to deal with, who are professional and reliable and will ensure the contract is a success?

Maybe you have missed the boat and have not been invited to the party.
Time will tell, but I'd bet your spot on though!

Re: hurleys have marstons contract

Post by Guest »


Would this be a way of creating a band of 'Super Operators', that control a large area therefore ensuring [must not name the company] have control of this market on a grand scale?

Is this the demise of the small operator giving way to the super operator of 500+ towers/machines?

Best put my small amount on e-bay then!

I can feel the sharks grouping around me already! :wave:
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